
Showing posts from June, 2019

Safety #2- 'Rule of Thumb'

Here's a quick tip for safety as it is the  #1  priority: *Rule of Thumb* keep fingers and ‘thumbs’ away from pointy blades when scraping 3D prints from their boards as you may slip and cause abrasions or cuts to skin, always point away from body and if in the event of injury let the supervisor know and administer first aid.  Thanks for reading, have a great day                                   Thumbs Up Emoji

*Casing Update*

Hi and welcome back to another update on my project, Today I shrunk the dimensions of my original box as it was too large (using  Maker Case ). This online free software allows me to download an .svg file and then save as a file compatible with our workshops laser cutter. I have decided to add T-slots instead of gluing the box together as this was messy and made the overall toughness weak. By laser cutting it out of persepex I said time and money. Thanks for reading, #glowup

3D Printing Fun

Hey and welcome back to my blog, I previously tried to cut a solenoid latch from Perspex with the Dremel and hand sketched design but decided to use sketch up to design a new one and an  @tiertime  3D printer to manufacture it. I got a video clip of it printing and a initial design.  Here's a link to the video, as processing it for this blog is failing/ taking a long time:  Instagram Post of 3D Printing

*RFID Update*(Another update)

Here is yet again another update and overall improvement in my projects' RFID locking system. Hi and welcome back to my blog, Today I added in an override switch on the projects' RFID lock system, by adding this it allows the user to bypass the RFID reader in the event it has either run out of batteries or fails for an unknown reason. The override button will be placed in a hidden yet convenient location to the user. As seen in the video the override button when pushed down activated the solenoid, disengaging it. Thanks for reading, have a fantastic day :) Instagram Override Switch Post/ Video


Here's a quick update on my GPS issue and resolution:  Hi, After countless library and SIM7000E issues I have opted to change to another SIM type and transfer to the SIM5320A or E variant, I will  still be using the  @hologram_io  SIM card, but may be purchasing the module from  @hacksterio  or  Tiny Sine . It has been a pricey change from my original $65 SIM7000 to a $93 SIM5320, it will be worth it though! Thanks for reading,                                                             Tiny Sine

Equipment/ Tool Safety

Welcome back to my blog, Today I read, understood and completed online safety tasks to assure that I am working safely and understand how to identify and prevent risks in parts of the workshop where I will be using tools and equipment. I have learned to not use any appliance with frayed or exposed wires as this poses an electrical hazard. As well as considering everything in the soldering iron area to be hot and be cautious when picking up and moving items around, this includes keeping that area well ventilated and wearing goggles and an apron to protect myself and my clothing. When using the laser cutter always keep the shield down to prevent eye damage, as well as wearing goggles, apron, hair net (for long hair), gloves and respirator. The overall risk for the laser cutter is low but these precautions and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) must be worn. When I use any electrical tool I need to wear an apron, goggles and ear muffs. These PPE items will help reduce the risk of acci...

Basic Overview of the Projects' System


Project Casing

Welcome back to my blog, I am currently designing a case/ box to house all of my project in the bottom of the bag. I am using plexi-glass (pictured below) and acrylic glue to bond it. The plexi-glass comes in a variety of colours. I could use clear to expose all the flashing lights and this would allow the user to see when it is turned on or low on battery, but by keeping it a darker colour will hide it in the bag more and make it undetectable when someone opens the bag, I could also place a fabric sheet over the top of it to disguise it further as this would show that it is the base of the bag instead of a false bottom. To cut it I will be using a Bador Laser Cutter (pictured below). To design the layout I will be sketching it on Adobe Illustrator, this software allows me to mark cut lines and mark areas where I can etch design and/or messages such as a product name or logo.  Thanks for reading, Cheers, Perry 

GPS Code Trouble! Help!

Today is an unhappy day, I ran into a major code problem for the GPS module. It has a lot of errors which is supposedly due to library errors. I have used preset code and libraries straight from the DFRobot SIM7000 Forum ( ) and altered them appropriately. But it sill comes up with heaps of errors. Luckily Core Electronics have a help page which I am currently getting information from.  But, if you have any information that may help, please leave a comment below. Thanks, Perry

RFID Locking Mechanism

Hi and welcome back to my blog, Today I worked with a RFID shield from Aus Electronics Direct ( ). I used the instructions from Viral Science Creator ( ). The RFID module is simple and consist of a read and a write function. It uses a radio frequency finder and can detect the individual card numbers which can then allow you to alter code to create an output for when the card is read. For this project I used the read function to create the output of unlocking a solenoid. I used a small 5V solenoid from Core Electronics ( ) and 3x 18650 cell batteries from Hobby King ( )(they were the cheapest and safest and available in Australia). By following the instructions I was easily able to produce the locking system ...

GPS Tracker

Welcome back to my blog,  Today I used my chosen GPS tracker for my project (SIM7000E Arduino NB-IoT/LTE/GPRS/GPS Expansion Shield) purchased from Core Electronics ( ). It was well priced and had speedy delivery.  I am pairing it up with a Hologram IoT simple sim card also purchased from Core Electronics ( ). Let's hope that it will be simple to use and I will have limited issues. I'm currently tweaking some code and hopefully will be able to use it soon.  That's all for now.  Cheers, Perry.

My First Post :)

Hi, This is my blog for my VCE Systems Engineering Project for 2019. I am a student at Marcellin College in Bulleen and will be uploading images and information about my class to class struggles and triumphs throughout the production process. I am planning on creating a anti-theft security bag with the capabilities to be tracked and locked via Arduino's and Cloud Based Software ( This will help a variety of people, including the elderly and young children. Thanks for reading, Cheers, Perry. Anti-Theft Bag